
SAVE-THE-DATE – The MIRAD Final Conference: 7th December 2023, Brussels

June 20, 2023

The MIRAD Consortium is delighted to announce the Final Conference which will be a great occasion to present the main achievements of this 2-year project and its recommendations for future work in the field of disengagement and reintegration.

The event will take place face-to-face on 7th December 2023 in Brussels, please kindly save this date in your calendars.


MIRAD – Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement aims to enhance collaboration between government bodies and community organizations in disengagement and reintegration programs. It focuses on developing ideology-specific risk assessment tools, considering gender dimensions. Building upon the successful IRS tool from the R2PRIS project, MIRAD expands it to include add-on assessment sheets for right-wing and Islamist extremism. The project also offers e-Learning and virtual-reality training for practitioners and develops an instrument to assess NGOs working with extremists.


Join us as we showcase the remarkable achievements of the MIRAD Team over the past 2 years. This conference will unveil the main results and objectives of the project, including:

  1. Trust and Capability
    Discover our innovative methodological evaluation approach, ensuring the trustworthiness and capability of non-institutional partners, such as NGOs, engaged in disengagement and reintegration programs.
  2. Enhanced Assessment Tools and Empowering Professionals
    Witness the power of IRS tool. This tool has been skillfully adapted to address the complexities of right-wing and Islamist extremism, amplifying our ability to assess inmates’ risk of radicalization, from initial vulnerabilities to deeper involvement with radical groups. Professionals from prisons, probation, and non-governmental organizations can gain valuable knowledge on exit strategies for effective disengagement.
  3. Technological Advancements
    Experience cutting-edge training opportunities in the field of radicalization assessment, harnessing the benefits brought forth by technological advances.
  4. Collaboration for Success
    Delve into our cross-sectoral and interinstitutional collaboration models and protocols. We emphasise the pivotal role of interinstitutional collaboration in the efficiency and effectiveness of disengagement programs, drawing the attention of professionals from various fields.

We encourage all representatives and stakeholders working in the field of disengagement and reintegration from prison, probation sectors, and non-governmental organisations working closely with these sectors, but also policymakers, research organisations, related EU/national projects, networks of prison and probation practitioners to join and participate in the event to learn about MIRAD’s achievements and the possibilities of their use in the field.

The preliminary agenda and registration link will be provided in due time. 

For more information about the project, please visit our website or contact us via email:
Stay tuned!

This project is co-funded by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) (GA no. 101035878)