
MIRAD presents its approach to improving multi-agency cooperation at the 2022 Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism

September 22, 2022

At the 5th Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism, Innovative Prison Systems, a partner of the MIRAD project, had the opportunity to present MIRAD’s inter-institutional collaboration models and protocols for effective disengagement and successful reintegration of VETOs. The conference was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, from September 19th to September 21st.

The conference provided an excellent opportunity to share the project’s goals, activities, and preliminary results with colleagues in the field and researchers. On the other hand, it emphasised the importance of interagency collaboration and overcoming barriers to information sharing across agencies in order to successfully counter and prevent violent extremism.

MIRAD is developing and promoting cross-sectoral and interinstitutional collaboration models and protocols to increase collaboration in deradicalisation and disengagement programs among governmental and non-governmental organisations. The project has screened and mapped protocols of national and European collaboration strategies from 24 countries to accomplish this. The project consortium will expand on this research by developing transition collaboration protocol baselines, clarifying the participating organisations in this specific field of intervention, and promoting referral mechanisms, as well as holding a policy roundtable toward protocol establishment.

MIRAD will also create a recommendation paper for the implementation of the European Parliament Directive 2016/680 and beyond.

This project is co-funded by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) (GA no. 101035878)