
MIRAD Final Conference Summary Report

December 20, 2023

The goal of the MIRAD “Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement” Final Conference was to share the results achieved throughout 2 years of intensive work in the project and pave the way for future efforts in the field of radicalisation assessment and prevention. 

The event was dedicated to the representatives of Prison Staff, probation officers, NGOs, policymakers and all other parties interested in the project scope.

MIRAD project objectives were accomplished through the cooperation of project consortium partners from 7 countries together with a group of experts from MIRAD’s Advisory Board, KES Consultative Council
and members of Islamic Extremism and Right-Wing Extremism Expert Boards.  

The Final Conference took place on  7th December 2023 in Brussels. The event was attended by over
50 participants from 11 countries.

We encourage you also to watch the video summary from the conference. This was an excellent opportunity to ask the project partners about their role in MIRAD.

For more details please check out the full report:

This project is co-funded by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) (GA no. 101035878)