At the 3rd International Correctional Research Symposium, IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, a partner of the MIRAD project, shared with practitioners and academics the preliminary results of the screening and mapping of national and European collaboration strategies and multi-agency and interinstitutional needs assessment.
The conference organised in cooperation between the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA), the European Organisation for Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris) and the Portuguese General Directorate of Reintegration and Prisons was held in Porto, Portugal, from March 27th to March 30th, 2023.
The intervention emphasised that there is a lack of established and standardised cooperation protocols between key actors and organisations, and those that exist are marked by a lack of practical implementation. Other conclusions were that various obstacles to multi-agency cooperation continue to be mentioned by practitioners, and the involvement of actors beyond the criminal justice system is crucial but underdeveloped.
To tackle these obstacles, MIRAD will design baselines of transition collaboration protocol – which will be finetuned following national and international policy roundtables towards protocol establishment – and create a recommendation paper towards respecting the (implementation of) (EU) Directive 2016/680 and beyond. Stay tuned for the upcoming developments, as our recommendation paper will be published over the next months.